Which Season is Best for Asphalt Paving in Houston?

While asphalt work and maintenance can be done year round, the best season for asphalt paving in Houston is late spring through fall. There are multiple reasons for this – primarily climate and temperature – but those are not the only advantages to paving during the warm months.

In general, it is better to do asphalt installation and maintenance during the warm months. So, whether you are considering asphalt pavement for your property or already have asphalt, it is time to make your pavement-related decisions when the weather warms up.

Why is it Better to Install Asphalt Pavement When it is Warm in Houston?

Asphalt pavement performs well in cold climates once it has a chance to cure, but it is a challenge to install and stabilize the material when temperatures drop below 50 degrees. Temperatures below this point can cause curing issues like air becoming trapped in the paving, uneven curing or some warping. Ideally, the asphalt installation and curing processes are handled when the temperature is at least 70 degrees outside. This ensures optimal curing times and effectiveness.

Of course, living in Houston means warmth for most of the year. It is typical for temperatures to remain above 70 degrees around the clock during the summer, meaning 24/7 ideal curing conditions. Summer tends to be drier than spring as well, and drier is better for asphalt paving installation.

However, as Houston’s high temperatures are consistently above 70 during the spring and fall as well, asphalt pavement contractors are active for most of the year. It is even possible to install asphalt during the winter if conditions are mild, which they often are in the greater Houston area.

One more summertime advantage is that the days are longer. and when the days are longer, asphalt crews can work longer. If minimizing the installation timeline is critical for your organization, target the summer months for your project.

Spring and Summer are Also Perfect for Asphalt Maintenance

For most of the same reasons previously mentioned, asphalt maintenance is best reserved for the warmer months. This maintenance includes everything from asphalt sealcoating to complete asphalt replacement. Some of the asphalt maintenance that property owners usually invest in during the spring and summer include:

  • Asphalt sealcoating – Sealcoating is recommended for warmer weather, which means most of the year in Houston. Higher temperatures are needed to allow the asphalt emulsion-based sealcoat time to properly adhere and cure to the pavement’s surface.

    Asphalt sealcoating is recommended every 12-24 months, depending on how much traffic the asphalt receives. It is recommended that property owners sealcoat their asphalt paving before winter, as this will afford better protection from the occasional freeze that can occur in the Houston area.

  • Asphalt crack repair – Asphalt crack repair can be managed in slightly cooler temperatures, especially if the pavement crew has a thermal lance which they can use to heat the asphalt prior to pouring the crack filler. The filler compounds that asphalt teams use are designed to cure quickly and flex once cured. This ensures a reliable seal that adjusts to thermal stresses.
  • Asphalt pothole repair – Asphalt pothole repair is similar to crack repair in that it can be done at slightly lower temperatures, but above 50 degrees is still ideal. Small potholes can be addressed by warming the pavement and applying a quick patch, but extensive pothole repairs will likely necessitate removal and new paving installation.
  • Asphalt overlaying – Asphalt overlaying is similar to new paving installation and therefore should be done when the weather is favorable. Asphalt overlaying is an extensive process that may require several days to manage (depending on the size of your asphalt pavement), so consider choosing a time when your property is less active, if possible. If that is not possible, your paving contractor can help mitigate any disruptions.

Your pavement contractor can provide a detailed inspection to identify any signs of wear or damage. If issues are spotted early, an expert asphalt crew can resolve them before they develop into more expensive issues.

The Best Season for Asphalt Paving in Houston is Upon Us

The truth is, Houston’s climate is ideal for asphalt installation with its generally warmer temperatures, so paving contractors stay busy for most of the year.

Still, given the warmer temps and longer days, many property owners target the spring and summer for their asphalt installation. In Houston, pavement companies can install asphalt through the fall most years.

That means property owners should never have to wait long to install or maintain their asphalt. If it is time to upgrade your property with a new asphalt parking lot, road, or other piece of asphalt paving, a reputable asphalt contractor will identify the best time to get your project started. To get the most out of your asphalt paving, be sure to work with a reputable paving team that can handle ongoing maintenance as well.