Privacy Policy

At American Paving, we value our customers and take their privacy issues very seriously. This policy will help you better understand why we need certain pieces of information from you and what we do with it.

1. Information Which is Collected

IP Addresses – this is a number assigned to your computer when you connect it to the internet; it functions as sort of a caller ID for other computers. Web servers use IP Addresses to identify a particular computer as well as what kind of computer it is and what kind of browser you are using.

Cookies – these are strings of text which are loaded into your computer’s hard drive by the websites that you visit. Nearly all websites use cookies to track your visits to that website and to store some personal information; usually your name and your purchase history for that particular site. It is possible to instruct your browser to block cookies, or to alert you to when they are being downloaded. If you block cookies, though, it will prevent you from using some applications on each website.

2. Businesses and Groups Who Collect this Information.

American Paving will collect this information from you when you visit our website. Advertisers on our website and other websites to which we have links may also collect some of this information. You may want to view the privacy policies of these third-party sites before you log into the site or provide them with any personal information. American Paving is not responsible for and cannot control the privacy policies of other companies.

3. The Ways We Use This Information

American Paving will collect information in order to analyze how individuals and groups use the website. This will give us information on ways to make our website more user friendly and more applicable to our customers. American Paving will also use your information to tailor each website visit to meet your personal needs, thus saving you time and effort.

4. Other Parties With Whom This Information Could Be Shared

American Paving will not release information which is normally protected by law, and the information is never used for tasks which fall outside of our oversight or control.

Government Agencies, Legal Entities and Courts may sometimes compel us to share information as a result of a government action or a private lawsuit. We will only provide information which is necessary to meet the terms of the law, subpoena, or other action. If we are forced to bring legal action against one of our customers, this may require us to offer some specific information for court documents.

Apart from the entities and situations described above, American Paving does not knowingly provide, nor do we allow anyone else to provide your personal information to any third party without your consent.

5. Ways in Which You Can Control the Information We Collect, Use and Distribute.

Please be aware that you might unknowingly share personally identifiable data when you participate in forums, chat rooms or message boards, and there is no way for American Paving to monitor these communications or control what information is shared within them. At American Paving, we make a priority of safeguarding your personal information, but we are unable to protect any information you voluntarily disclose online in open forums.

6. Special Protections for Children Younger Than 13 Years of Age

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires that we do not knowingly collect or receive personally identifiable information from a child younger than 13 years of age unless we also receive permission from the child’s parent or guardian. American Paving will also comply with any request of a parent or guardian whose child is a registered user under 13 years of age to access, change, or remove personal information about that child from our website.

A child’s personally identifiable information is subject to the same protections on our website as is the same information pertaining to an adult.

7. Links to Third Party and Affiliate Websites

Users on American Paving website are able to link from our site to third party, affiliate and partner websites which are not monitored or controlled by American Paving. We encourage you to read the privacy policies on each new website to which you link, before you provide any personally identifiable information to that website. American Paving cannot be responsible for the actions of third party websites.

8. The Methods We Use to Protect Your Information

Protecting and securing your personally identifiable information is nearly as important to American Paving as it is to you. Consequently, we do everything possible to allow you to securely transmit your personal information between your computer and our servers.

The fact remains, though, that no form of data transmission is 100% secure. While we are staying on the cutting edge of internet security, we are unable to completely guarantee the confidentiality of any information you transmit to us.

After we receive your information, American Paving will use every reasonable and available procedure or technological application to respect your privacy and safeguard your information. Keep in mind that American Paving will never request that you provide a password or other personal information in an unsolicited phone call or email.

9. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We will change this Privacy Policy on occasion in response to advancements in security technology. Notices of these changes will be posted on the website at the time the change is made, and your continued use of the website after the changes are posted implies your consent to those changes